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时间:2022-10-10 08:02:18 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3013字


Alcohol cotton ball


棉球───Cotton ball;酒精───alcohol


Place several drops of Peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place at problem locations.───把滴入几滴欧薄荷精油的棉花球放在老鼠出没的地方.

She sniffs the fresh smell of a new cotton ball.───她喜欢新棉球清新的味道.

Glue two black buttons on the small cotton ball for the eyes.───把两颗黑纽扣粘在小的棉花球上做雪人的眼睛.

Glue the small cotton ball on the paper for the head.───把小的棉花球粘在纸上做雪人的头.

And when cotton ball get rotten.───当棉桃腐烂的时候.

METHODS Hot - plate test, rat granuloma caused by cotton ball test, mice's ear - swelling test were used.───方法:采用热板法 、 棉球肉芽法 、 耳肿胀法.

Please bite and hold the cotton ball tightly in place. Don't spit it out until half an hour from now.───请咬紧棉球,让它固定不动,从现在起过半小时再把它吐掉。

sweep over face and throat twice daily. For external use only. Avoid eye area.───每天两次,用棉花球沾满后抹上面部和颈部。只可外用。避开眼睛部位。


Through investigating and experimenting and innovation on cotton ball sport of Tujia minority is carried out.

You should never put a cotton ball swab or other object into the ear conalcanal.

Use a cotton ball to apply the lotion.

And when cotton ball get rotten.

Sweep a cotton ball soaked in 100 percent lemon juice over stripy areas.