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时间:2022-10-10 12:01:09 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2598字


The eldest, the second and the third


老二老三───Second and third;老大───boss


Ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers.───排在第二位和第三位的是杂货和电子产品客户。

For the first time in the World Cup finals, lots had to be drawn to decide who would finish second and third.───世界杯决赛中首次由抽签决定谁将获得第二名和第三名。

Does the work bear its creator's imprint, and does it draw viewers' interest even after repeated viewings, Newhall's second and third criteria?───荷的第二和第三个标准是,这部作品是否带有创作者的印记?即使是在反复观看之后,它是否仍能引起观众的兴趣?


The second and third weeks saw a steady improvement.

The Celtics had no trouble getting second and third shots.

In thin conditions, a few second and third line stocks came under sudden and unexplained selling pressure.

Thus the figures for the second and third choices had an overlap.

Second and third children are estimated to cost 19. 6 percent and 38 percent less per child respectively.