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时间:2022-10-11 00:02:23 作者:语文迷 字数:3069字


The third year of the Republic of China


民国───The Republic of China;三年───three years


During the time of the Republic of China , the silver dollar was the major currency.───民国时期, 光洋是主要货币.

Li shizeng was once a rather peculiar personage on the Republic of China political circles.───李石曾是民国政坛上一位颇为奇特的人物.

I want to place a long distance collect call to the Republic of China.───我要打个对方付款长途电话到中国民国.

This book includes a lot of anecdotes from the age of the Republic of China.───这本书收录了不少民国年间的旧闻.

Is the beginning of the Republic of China Chinese women wear, gown with a traditional style.───是民国时期中国妇女开始穿着的 、 带有传统风格的长衫.

The Republic of China made great progress in the demarcation of the territorial waters.───领海划界问题在民国时期取得了较大的进步.

This report is a case study of china famine relief commission in the Republic of China.───本报告是对民国华洋义赈会的个案研究.


Part 4 presidential electoral system of Beijing Government of the Republic of China.

Malawi is terminating diplomatic relations with the Republic of China ( Taiwan ).

During the time of the Republic of China , the silver dollar was the major currency.

The certificate of my educational level to that accredited educational institution of the Republic of China.

The Republic of China made great progress in the demarcation of the territorial waters.