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时间:2022-10-11 00:03:43 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3186字


Sandy area


沙区───Sandy area


monitoring of soil moisture dynamics is a key technique for agricultural and forestrial production of sandy area.───水分定位动态监测是沙区农业、林业生产中的一项重要措施。

China is the world's desertification and sandy area of the largest against one of the worst.───中国是世界上沙漠化和砂质化面积最大,危害最严重的国家之一。

Oases in Hexi Corridor was taken as examples for studying the forest coverage of oases in arid sandy area.───以甘肃河西走廊绿洲为例,就干旱风沙区绿洲森林覆盖率进行了研究。

The characteristics of alfalfa growth in the semi-arid sandy area for different buried depths of underground drip irrigation are studied.───研究了半干旱沙区不同滴灌带埋设深度下紫花苜蓿的生长特性。

Lastly, the countermeasure and problem of forbidden cultivate for restoring forest or grass in sandy area are put forward.───最后提出了沙区退耕还林还草对策及需注意的问题。

The zoo is remodeling her indoor and outdoor spaces, making both about twice as large as before and adding a sandy area.───动物园为此特地对麦吉的生活空间进行了改造,把室内和室外空间都扩大了一倍,还增加了一块沙地。


The reasonable development and utilization of Caragana feed can widen feed resource in arid and sandy area, relieving the stocking pressure on grassland and improve ecological environment.

This paper describes the improvement of the locomotive air filter and lubricating oil filter, on-board oil heating, clean system and the strainer core in windy and sandy area in details.