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时间:2022-10-11 08:03:22 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2687字


Does she like playing tennis


打网球───play tennis;喜欢───like


To stay fit off season, I play tennis or football.───为了在休赛期间保持状态,我常打网球或踢足球。

You can play tennis or go golfing.───你可以打网球或高尔夫球。

Although he's nearly fifty, he can still play tennis with the best.───尽管他已年近五十, 可是他网球还是打得不比别人差.

Even if I had the talent to play tennis I couldn't stand the pressure.───即使我有打网球的天赋,我也无法承受这种压力。

He can play tennis, badminton, golf, soccer, anything.───什么网球啊, 羽毛球啊, 高尔夫球啊, 足球啊,他都会.

I like to play tennis regularly, just to keep my hand in.───我喜欢经常打打网球, 以免技术生疏.

By occasion of illness of him, we can't play tennis.───因为他有病, 我们不能打网球了.

I had rather play tennis than swim.───我宁愿打网球而不愿游泳.


I play tennis twice a week.

My suggestion that we all play tennis sank like a stone.

You play tennis, right?

Sorry, I can't play tennis with u tomorrow.

You can go boating or play tennis.