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时间:2022-10-11 12:04:06 作者:语文迷 字数:2614字






He said she was the nicest girl he had met, a girl in a million.───他说她是他所见到过最好的姑娘, 真是百里挑一.

He asked his father for the car, but his father said right off that he couldn't have it.───他向父亲借这辆汽车, 但是他父亲直截了当地拒绝了.

Could it be said that it is impossible of attainment?───难道这是办不到的 吗 ?

She didn't understand and so I said it again.───她没懂,我又说了一遍.

Damn!' he said furiously.───该死的!”他十分愤怒地说。

What you said is irrelevant to the subject.───你说的与本题无关.

There was a note of pessimism in what he said.───他的讲话带着悲观的调子.

He said no more until their final parting.───直到他们最后分手时他才又说了几句话.


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Kay hesitated for a moment and then said 'yes'.

The whole table heard what he said.

He said the killing of innocent people was inexcusable.

I never said that! You must have misheard me.