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时间:2022-10-12 00:03:00 作者:星火作文 字数:2862字






I want to end with a poem by an American poet called Lucille Clifton.───我想以美国诗人露西尔·克利夫顿的诗来结尾。

At the end of all this playing Lucille and Tina being tired, dropped out.───这场游戏临了,露西尔和蒂娜累了, 就退了出去.

Lucille and I'd love to have you.───如果你们能来,我和露西尔都会很高兴. ”

She turned to her companion: " Wasn't it for you, Lucille? "───她又转身问她的朋友, “ 你是不是也一样, 露西尔? ”

This little guy is Desi Arnaz junior , the son of entertainment legend Lucille Ball.───这个小家伙叫朱尼尔,他是娱乐界的传奇人物保罗的儿子.

Holden is reading the newspaper over lunch with his book club fried Lucille.───荷登和读书会的朋友一起边吃午饭边看报纸.

It was for Lucille , too.───露西尔 也是一样.

They have a pet snake named Lucille who keeps escaping and ends up in my garden.───他们让人命名在我的花园继续逃走和末端的露西尔一条宠物蛇.


The girl on right is Lucille Dupuy of Baton Rouge, La. The others are unidentified.

Lucille and the Countess sat by the supper room entrance.

Lucille brushed at the blood on his jacket.

Lucille Ball would be 100 years old today.

Lucille took a last look in the mirror.