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时间:2022-10-12 08:00:47 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3293字


Paper cover


纸盖───Paper cover;挡───block


Pressure laid paper press paper paper specializes in a paper cover decoration.───压纹纸压纸纸是专门生产的一种封面装饰用纸.

I sat down on the sill of my mother's door to read the dog-eared Ramayana, with a marbled paper cover, which belonged to her old aunt.───我坐在母亲房间的门槛上,读着她老姨妈那本皱巴巴的《罗摩衍那》,封面有着大理石花纹。

As shown in Figure 10, depending on the paper cover up the wheel rotation.───如图10所示, 凭借封面行纸,带不静滚轮回旋扭转.

Bond paper cover manual package is always hot key is back blistering, bond, holdout cataplasm loss.───铜版纸封面手工包烫现存的主要总是是书背起泡 、 粘结 、 墨层糊损等.

Transfer to a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper; cover with foil.───把点缀好的小盘子放入有边的烤盘中,用植物羊皮纸包好, 上面盖上箔片.

Do you always put a paper cover on a library book too?───你是否也总是给图书馆中的书籍包上包书纸 呢 ?

An unbound printed work , usually with a paper cover.───通常有纸封面的小书.


I recommend covering the book with a brown paper cover if you are easily embarrassed.

Bond paper cover manual package is always hot key is back blistering, bond, holdout cataplasm loss.

However, not deeming it safe to venture out again, I sat down on the sill of my mother's door to read the dog-eared Ramayana, with a marbled paper cover, which belonged to her old aunt.

In that case, bond paper cover package when hot cut ﹖ ofmaize?

Moisture and temperature test, Salt spraying test, Fungus test and Storing test. The test has proved that the paper cover XD_3is mothproof, m...