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时间:2022-10-12 16:05:07 作者:趣历史 字数:2388字


Give me two pieces of candy


两块糖───Two pieces of candy;给───to


For the second test, in one scenario the actor took two pieces of small candy from a set of snack bowls.───对于第二次测试,在一个场景的演员了从小吃设置两个小糖果件碗。

If you give a 3-year-old two pieces of candy and ask him if he wants to share one of them, he will almost certainly say no.───如果给一个三岁大的孩子两块糖果,问他愿不愿意分一个给别人,他几乎肯定不愿意。

You can have this piece of candy right now, he says. But if you wait while I leave the room for a while, you can have two pieces of candy when I get back.───他对孩子说,你们可以现在就吃这块糖,但是如果你们等一会儿,等我从外面回来,你们就可以吃两块糖。

The nurse gave the children two pieces of candy each.───护士发给每个孩子两个糖果。

There are two pieces of candy on the plate.───盘里有两颗糖。
