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时间:2022-10-13 04:04:20 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2334字


Are you


幽否───Are you


How much money are you willing to pay on your luxury household appliances per year?───您一年内,愿意支付多少钱购买顶级家电商品?。

Right, right. Was that fun, was it a lot of. . . are you tired of answering questions about it? Let's not even talk about it, all right?───对,对。那不是很有趣吗,有很多…你是否厌倦了回答关于它的问题?让我们提也不要提,好吗?

What are you waiting for? It seems to me that all of your computer problems would be solved if you spring for a new one.───干嘛不换?在我看来,只要您换台新电脑,您的一切问题都迎刃而解了。


Are you tired after your labours?

Are you doing anything over the weekend?

Are you ready to order, Madam?

Which part are you auditioning for?

Are you coming? Yes or no?