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时间:2022-10-13 12:03:55 作者:趣历史 字数:2700字






So I decided to buy a shanzhai iPhone.───所以我决定买一部山寨版iphone。

Once you put the game on App Store, there will be some SHANZHAI appears.───当你把游戏防盗应用程序商店里面, 你不怕有山寨版出现吗?

For some mainland commentators, shanzhai is a dirty word.───对一些大陆评论人士来说,“山寨”乃鄙俗之词。

We thought that was a bit off the wall , even for the knockoff world of shanzhai.───我们觉得这有点难办, 即使是对以仿冒见长的山寨业而言.

Today, the shanzhai market has moved beyond China, and even India.───如今山寨手机早已背井离乡、甚至远离印度。


We thought that was a bit off the wall , even for the knockoff world of shanzhai.

Factory orders for unlicensed phones, better known in China as shanzhai, or outlawed, phones, have been declining rapidly over the last few years, according to market researcher IHS iSuppli.

Now, shanzhai has become slang for anything modelled on a western product but tweaked for local consumption.

It's also of several CCTV programs often spoofed as part of China's irreverent shanzhai cultural movement.