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时间:2022-10-14 00:05:23 作者:星火作文 字数:2541字


Wu Hui


吴会───Wu Hui


Zhang Hua mainly lived in the period of Jian 'an and the beginning of Wei. His whole life can be divided into three parts: Wei period, emperor Wu and Hui Dynasty.───张华主要生活在曹魏末期和西晋初期,其人生经历按朝代可分为曹魏时期、武帝时期、惠帝时期三个阶段。

in Yunnan Province in June, 2005. A detail description of its external morphology is given in this paper, and a comparison with the female turtle is also presented.───本文对雄性云南闭壳龟的外部形态特征加以描述,并与雌性个体进行比较。

Mother meter vertical hui tong tube, wu lodge sink mans lonely night.───母仪垂则辉彤管,婺宿沉芒寂夜台。

There are substantial commercial , retail and other economic activities in Shek Wu Hui .───上水石湖墟区内的商业、零售和其他经济活动十分频繁。

Wu Hui: Yes, When do you need them?───吴辉:有的。你什么时候要?

Vicinity of Shek Wu Hui Market including emergency vehicular access at Lung Fung Garden───石湖墟街市附近一带,包括丰花园的紧急车辆通道
