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时间:2022-10-14 08:03:08 作者:趣历史 字数:2889字


Ancient temples and neighborhoods


古寺庙───Ancient temple;古街坊───Ancient neighborhood


The ancient temple was built of wood.───这所庙宇是木结构的。

In an ancient temple, they see a mural on the wall.───他们在一座古寺里发现一幅壁画。

I found myself in an ancient temple.───我发现自己在一个古老的庙宇。

The ancient temple rose from the ashes of the original which had been distroyed in the war.───在战争中遭到破坏的古寺在它的废墟上重新建立起来。

The confrontation follows talks between the foreign ministers of both countries over the land surrounding an ancient temple.───发生当前的对峙局面前两国外长曾就一个古老寺庙周围的土地问题举行会谈。

Behind the town where I once lived, there was a mountain spur, crowned by the walls of an ancient temple.───在我从前住过的小镇后面,那里有一座小山,山顶有一座古庙,四周绕以围墙,正如王者加以冠冕。


She heard a rumor about an ancient temple in Bolivia that contains an ornate stone dais.

The bell in the ancient temple rang throughout the valley.

The ancient temple rose from the ashes of the original which had been distroyed in the war.

The roof of the ancient temple caved in because of bad maintenance.

Why didn't the ancient temple abbot teach others these theories?