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时间:2022-10-14 08:05:56 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3302字


Submit a report


呈禀───Submit a report


The failure submit a report without justifiable reasons shall be deemed as automatic termination of association.───无正当理由逾期不提交报告的,视为联营双方自行终止联营.

The so - called self - statement means a testee must submit a report of his her own personality characteristics.───所谓“自陈”,就是让受试者个人提供关于自己人格特征的报告.

I have to submit a report on the big fire last night.───我得交一份关于昨天晚上发生大火灾的报告.

The interagency working group is due to submit a report containing its final recommendations to Congress by July 15.───这个跨衙门的工作小组将在六月五号向国会提交载有其最终建议的报告。

We must submit a report to the committee at the end of this month.───我们必须在这个月月底向委员会提交一份报告。

Submit a report of his activities at the Annual Church Meeting.───每年于教会的年会上,提出事工报告.

I think so too. Please submit a report on yesterday's meeting to me.───我也这么认为. 你把昨天会议情况整理成一份报告交给我.

Next Monday everyone needs to submit a report of the visit.───每个人都需要在下周一提交报告的访问。


Why not ask the candidate to submit a report of the interview within a couple of days?

I think so too. Please submit a report on yesterday's meeting to me.

Accounting personnel shall also be held liable if they do not submit a report to the head of the superior administrative unit.

A committee composed of Delacroix and six others, including Gautier, was chosen to prepare and submit a report.

Studler asked the Aberdeen Proving Ground to submit a report on the smaller caliber weapons.