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时间:2022-10-14 16:03:27 作者:星火作文 字数:2677字


A note


说明───explain;一份───A copy


He tried to explain to her, but she brushed him off impatiently.───他试图向她解释, 可她不耐烦地不搭理他.

Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously.───让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么.

"Let me explain, sir." — "Don't tell me about it. I don't want to know."───“您听我解释,先生。”——“别跟我说,我不想知道。”

A hundred mouths can't explain it away.───百喙莫辩.

I shall try, with as much patience as possible, to explain yet again.───我会尽可能耐心地试着再解释一遍。

He listens and waits for the narrator to explain more.───他听著,等待讲的人进一步解释.

He could not explain why it was so.───他说不出个所以然来.

Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause.───许多理论都标榜以单一的原因解释生长.


How can I explain if you keep butting in?

It's pretty hard to explain.

It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners.

First, I'll explain the rules of the game.

Would you explain yourself a little?