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时间:2022-10-14 20:03:12 作者:星火作文 字数:2756字


A fugitive


逃丁───A fugitive


The rebel leader was a fugitive from justice.───叛军首领是一名逃避司法的人。

Mr Kony remains a fugitive.───科尼依然在逃亡。

For now, though, he is a fugitive from Thai justice.───虽然他信现在是一个来自泰国的逃犯。

In one of his last speeches, made weeks after Tripoli fell and he was a fugitive, he exhorted Libyans to defeat the uprising.───的黎波里陷落后几周,流亡之中的他发表了最后一次演说,号召利比亚人民抵抗起义。

If you were sending a U-boat in to pick up a fugitive spy, what would you think was the nearest sub could safely come to the coast?───如果让你派潜水艇接应一个逃亡间谍,你认为哪是最近最安全的接应点?

Chewbacca escaped capture for a time, helping his people as best as he could while living the life of a fugitive.───有一段时间,丘巴卡东躲西藏逃避追捕,一边过着逃犯的生活,一边尽可能帮助自己的同胞。


Huck was a fugitive slave.

Hypocrites! he thought, and entertained a fugitive idea that Bella and Jim needed him.

The police are pursuing after a fugitive.

The rebel leader was a fugitive from justice.

They shared a fugitive embrace.