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时间:2022-10-15 08:04:03 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2554字


This is dip


蘸───Dip in;酱───sauce


On a hot day a dip in the sea is sheer paradise.───热天洗个海水澡是十分令人惬意的事.

They go for a dip in the sea every day.───他们每天去海水浴.

More analysts are starting to fear a double dip in housing.───更多的分析人士开始担心住宅市场会二次探底.

was also a dip in cases in Scotland.───苏格兰的病例趋势也在下降。

But as far as his so-called dip in form?───但就所谓的他的状态下滑?

Let me take a dip in this sea of books.───让我在这书海中畅游一番吧.

On hot day a dip in a pool is sheer paradise.───大热天在游泳池里泡一泡真是令人惬意的事.

A businessman's risk is a small dip in equity.───生意人的风险就是资金的少量减少.


Let's take a dip in the lake before lunch.

Dip in,everyone. The apples are on the table.

Do you fancy a dip in the briny?

Using two forks, dip in the skinned hazelnuts, and stir until coated.

The birds rose and dip in their flight.