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时间:2022-10-15 12:01:40 作者:星火作文 字数:2515字


Evil wind


孽风───Evil wind


AT night they stayed in a temple. The evil spirit took Tang Priest to her Bottomless Cave using an evil wind.───夜晚,他们宿于一寺庙,耗子精用妖风把唐僧擒到住处无底洞。

The evil wind can be cured but not the evil name.───重伤可治愈,恶名难消除.

What evil wind has blown you here !───是什么妖风把你们刮到这里来啦!

For diabetic skin itching. TCM treats it as a disorder of deficiency, evil wind and damp - heat.───中医对糖尿病皮肤搔痒症主要从虚、风、湿热论治,对并发疖肿、痈疽则以清热解毒、扶正托毒治之。

An evil wind cannot blow down the Tianshan Mountains, and a hailstorm cannot destroy the grassland!───不是一阵歪风就能吹倒天山, 不是一场冰雹就能毁掉草原!


An evil wind cannot blow down the Tianshan Mountains, and a hailstorm cannot destroy the grassland!

When Tiamat opened her mouth to consume him, He drove in the Evil Wind that she closes not her lips.