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时间:2022-10-16 12:05:19 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2702字


The slogan of the ace family




Facts have proven that the use of habitual thinking is short the last main trump card.───事实都已经得到验证,利用习惯性想法是空头主力最后的杀手锏.

The wildcard is the Wii, which could trump the competition by attracting entirely new customers.───将会全胜的是Wii, 它可以通过吸引全新的顾客而赢得竞争.

I was lucky to have drawn a trump.───我运气好,抽到张王牌.

'The man's a perfect trump ,'declared the squire.───“ 这个人很可靠.”乡绅说.

I had to play a trump to win the trick.───我只好打出王牌才赢得这一墩.

He played a trump.───他吊主。

In the end, the Ten took their appeal to the Supreme Court; this, they had believed from the outset, would be their trump card.───最后,10个人上诉到最高法院:他们从一开始就认为这一招是他们的王牌。

When his father refused to let him have his own way, the child played his trump card by crying.───看到爸爸没有如自己的意, 那孩子便使出绝招,哇的一声哭了起来.


This defender's ability to score vital goals has often proved a trump card.