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时间:2022-10-17 04:00:35 作者:学习啦 字数:2686字


Milk you


奶你───Milk you


you have your milk delivered?───你的牛奶是让别人送吗?

You can use milk in place of cream in this recipe.───这道食谱可以用牛奶代替奶油。

The milk you put out in the saucer was quickly lapped up by the cat.───你倒在碟子里的牛奶很快就被猫舔光了。

Start pumping and follow the guidelines in your manual for how long you should pump and how much milk you should produce.───开始吸奶,你应该吸多长时间和吸出多少的奶量要按照使用说明的步骤。

It doesn't matter how much milk you spill as long as you don't lose the cow.───只要你没有失去奶牛就不要在乎撒了多少牛奶。

Milk does a body good, but DAMN how much milk you've been drinking?───牛奶對身體有益,但我的老天,你到底喝了多少啊?


The milk you put out in the saucer was quickly lapped up.

When you skim milk you take the thin layer of cream off the surface.

The milk you put out in the saucer was quickly lapped up by the cat.

I don't cry over spilt milk, you know ?

If you sell farm butter and cheese instead of whole milk you can do well if you have the right market.