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时间:2022-10-17 04:04:11 作者:语文迷 字数:2812字


A pear


一颗梨───A pear


At least I have a pear.───至少我还有一个梨。

Here's a pear for you. Catch!───给你一个梨,接着!

He watched her peel and dissect a pear neatly, no mess, no sticky fingers.───他看着她利索地削了个梨并切成几块,整整齐齐,手指干干净净。

Miss Dillard was shaped something like a pear. H er head was small, and with her hair pulled back tightly, it looked even smaller.───迪拉德女士身材如梨,她的头很小,头发一丝不苟地梳向脑后,这使得她的头看起来更小。

It was surely not immoral to talk, walk in the woods, down a pear brandy or two together, if it saved lives.───在树林里谈话,散步,喝下一两瓶梨白兰地酒,这些当然不是不道德的,如果这些能够拯救无数生命的话。

and a shape of simple loveliness, like a tear-drop or a pear, or that first forbidden fruit hanging low in the Garden of Eden.───形状象泪滴或梨子,或伊甸园里第一颗低垂的禁果,质朴而美丽。


He watched her peel and dissect a pear neatly, no mess, no sticky fingers.

She took a pear and bit into it.

Allow half a pear per person, peel and core then, and cut each in half.

And a partridge in a pear tree!

What's a partridge, and what's a pear tree?