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时间:2022-10-17 08:00:21 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3129字


Teller machine


柜员机───Teller machine


Imagine you are writing the tests for a bank's Automatic Teller Machine. One of those tests might look like Listing 2.───设想您正在编写用于银行自动柜员机(Automatic Teller Machine)的测试。

You can draw money from the automatic teller machine at the gate of the bank.───你可以在银行门口的自动柜员机里取款。

He often gets money at an ATM (automatic teller machine), and he has done so far two years.───他经常从自动取款机(atm)取款,他这样做已经有两年了。

In a system for a typical automated teller machine (ATM), one use case would be "Withdraw Cash" and another "Transfer Funds. "───在一个典型的自动取款机(ATM)系统中,一个用例是“取款”,另一个是“转帐”。

File security access control is the core of the bank automatic teller machine security.───文件安全访问控制,是银行自动柜员机安全的核心部分。

"We are going to have to go to the automatic teller machine and draw money out to pay salaries by hand. "───“我们必须去自动提款机上把钱取出来,手工发放工资。”


ATM stands for automatic teller machine.

It's hard to find a bank automated teller machine that will accept foreign credit cards.

Please don't leave me when the automatic teller machine, to a month just to pay.

Consider the use of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). Most people know how to interact with these machines. They know what buttons to press and they know the outcome.

Where is the automatic teller machine?