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时间:2022-10-17 12:03:23 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2708字






Andy Lau plays the Zhou Zhihao, is h, a city police.───刘德华饰演的周志豪,是H城的一名警察。

Zhang Zhihao, born in 1965 in Jingmen, now living in Wuhan, Hubei province, has published a book of poetry titled as Labor Under Praise.───张执浩,1965年生于湖北荆门,现居湖北武汉。出版的诗集有《苦于赞美》等。

Tang said he played a good game, double-Zhihao smiled.───唐说他游戏打的好,双志豪笑了。

Although a Chinese victory seems likely, it may not come as easily as in past years, said coach Shi Zhihao.───虽然中国很可能夺冠,但不会像前些年那么容易,施之皓教练说。

In a sleepy village in Foshan, Guangdong, three-year-old Lu Zhihao tears around his home.───在广东佛山一个寂静的村庄里,3岁的陆志豪在家里四处玩耍。


Zhaoqing City Hardware Trade-Lake over the years with the Shenzhen factory conversion Zhihao Belt Belt joint development and management, sandpaper, rechargeable lamps, garden tools, plate clamp tool.

Restudy of Conodonts from the Base of the Daye Formation and the Top of the Changhsing Formation in Jiangxi Province ... Wang Zhihao, Zhu Xiangshui.