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时间:2022-10-17 16:00:26 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2626字


We need help in nursing homes




Instead of raising children to support themselves , parents prefer going to beadhouse in their old age without potential worries.───父母不认为养儿就是为了防老,自己老了可以进养老院,无后顾之忧。

you must be creative if mention the principle. she is in beadhouse now, her brain begins to confuse.───说到纪律的话,有时候你必须有点创造力。她现在在养老院,她的脑子开始有点混乱了。

It is not filial that some young people let their aged parents live in the beadhouse .───一些年轻人把他们年老的父母送到养老院。这是很不孝顺的。


Husband of wife heel coming home says: "Beadhouse 800 January, two people 1500, somebody gives cook fold the dress that be washed, what need not work."

It is not filial that some young people let their aged parents live in the beadhouse .

Report, this is called moxa dimension · to live in British York county than the old man of favour western cloth pulls beadhouse of Fu Deyi place, she often gets online, still play computer game.