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时间:2022-10-17 20:01:11 作者:趣历史 字数:2540字


Your girlfriend is here


女朋友───girl friend;你───you


He's ditched his girl friend.───他抛弃了他的女友.

He had a snapshot of his girl friend.───他有一张他女朋友的快照.

Dave's girl - friend is a bit of all right.───戴夫的女朋友很可爱.

He is involved with his girl friend.───他倾心于他的女友.

John has just split up with his girl - friend.───约翰刚刚跟女朋友吹了.

Did your girl friend give a rebuff to you?───你的女朋友给你钉子碰 吗 ?

He was crossed in love three times before he met his present girl - friend.───他在遇见目前的女友之前,曾失恋过3次.

I received a dear John letter from my girl friend which broke my heart.───我收到女友来的绝交信,令我伤心欲绝.


Try to forget about your girl friend.

My girl friend discoursed on a topic she had grown greatly interested in.

The boy bit his girl friend, and got bitten back.

He sent her to bespeak his girl friend.

I took a photograph of my girl friend.