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时间:2022-10-18 12:04:09 作者:语文迷 字数:3189字


City level


市平───City level


Much of this activity is at the city level.───多数这些活动都是在城市级别上发生的。

We now rank first class at municipal ( city ) level.───本馆现为地 ( 市 ) 级一级馆.

This thesis has certain reference value for the domestic city level subsidiary insurance company.───本文对国内保险企业地市级分公司薪酬体系建设具有一定的参考意义.

Level key attributes of the city level (required).───city级的级键属性(必需)。

If a user racks up enough of these titles in a specific neighborhood, he'll become the baron of that area, or the king at the city level.───如果一个用户在一个特定的地区得到了足够的这些头衔,他就将成为这个区域的男爵,或者是城市级别的国王。

Cliff Tiger Hill and cinnabar stone for the temple city - level key cultural relics protection.───虎丘摩崖石刻和丹砂寺为市级重点保护文物.

This system was repeatedly awarded in the academic competitions of both national and city level.───该系统多次在全国和市级学术竞赛中获奖.


For an inspection yard invested in by an operation unit, the operation unit shall apply to the Port Administration authorities of the local People's Government at county or city level.

This thesis has certain reference value for the domestic city level subsidiary insurance company.

Finally, spatial clustering methods used in Karamay City level map of land.

In addition to the special invoices for VAT, tax authorities at or above the county (city) level may increase or decrease the number of invoice forms in light of needs and determine their uses.