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时间:2022-10-18 20:02:23 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2821字


Mr. Jing




book Cha Jing was written by Lu Yu.───茶经》是陆羽写的。

For Jing, he looks very calm.───对静来说,他看起来非常冷静。

Ou Jing is ofo's manager in Shanghai.───欧静是 ofo 在上海的经理。

Jing has consistently been one of our favorite screenshot and screencasting tools here at ReadWriteWeb (especially among the Windows users).───Jing一直是读写网上最受钟爱(特别是Windows用户)的截图和截屏视频工具。

Jing-Chu network news (AFP) with China as the only two players to be called "masters" who can be against Marco Fu shows.───荆楚网消息(楚天都市报)同为中国选手中仅有的两位能称得上“大师”的人物,傅家俊对可谓惺惺相惜。

Raining in my wandering, the wind gently Jing me on the cheek, at the moment I seem a somewhat bleak.───我在雨巷中徘徊,风轻轻地掠过我的脸颊,此刻的我显得有几分凄凉。


Song Dynasty was be invaded by Jing nationality which was nomad then.

Ren Jing considers herself a bit of a bookworm.

Xu Jing the deathtrap of this outskirts turned work into the ground, treasure ground.

This is a train on the Jing Bao line.

Li Jing, hitherto deputy commander of the navy, was appointed as his deputy.