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时间:2022-10-19 12:02:32 作者:语文迷 字数:3026字


Face care




Japan is thus favourably placed to maintain its lead as the most successful manufacturing nation.───这样,作为头号制造业强国,日本在保持其领先地位方面十分有利。

He should pay and maintain you as well.───他得给你钱,还得供养你。

His critics maintain that he's responsible for many of Algeria's ills.───他的批评者们坚持认为他应该为阿尔及利亚所面临的许多难题负责任。

He has occasional injections to maintain his good health but otherwise he lives a normal life.───他偶尔要注射药物保持身体健康,但除此之外他生活一切正常。

It's a policeman's job to maintain law and order.───警察的职责就是维护法制与社会秩序.

She may not have the money to maintain or restore her property.───她可能没有足够的钱来维护或修葺她的房产。

Even if we cannot agree, we should maintain our contact.───即使我们不能取得一致, 我们也要保持联系.

Prosecutors maintain no deal was made.───原告坚持说不存在任何交易。


We aim to maintain high standards of customer care.

It is clearly illogical to maintain such a proposition.

Only by keeping down costs will America maintain its competitive advantage over other countries.

Germany and France pledged to maintain the differential between their two currencies.

He has occasional injections to maintain his good health but otherwise he lives a normal life.