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时间:2022-10-19 16:00:32 作者:趣历史 字数:2796字


Complete repair


完缮───Complete repair


The manager did not even askabout how the repair went, which indicated his complete confidence in the youngman’s ability.───经理甚至没有询问他怎样去修理的,这表明他完全信任年轻人的能力。

Once one of the world's top naval powers, Russia is now struggling to complete even the repair of an aircraft-carrier destined for India, let alone to build new ships from scratch.───俄罗斯曾经是世界上顶级海军强国之一,而目前连修复一艘拟定出售给印度的航空母舰都极其艰难,更不用说从头开始造新船了。

Almost all complex aircraft products are repairable. They are, by the degree of repair, of two categories: complete repair and basic repair. In practice, most of them are basic repairs.───航空机载复杂产品基本是可修产品,按其修复深度分为完全修复和基本修复,而实际维修中又多为基本修复。

The Lessor agrees to complete repair of the shophouse in accordance with the following details:───出租人同意按以下具体规定完成该店房的维修工作。


Complete repair is recommended after 15000 hours of operation, but this interval is influenced with maintenance condition, current operational condition and condition of service shop.