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时间:2022-10-19 20:02:54 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3357字


He looks too big. Do you have a small one


大有小───Big and small;太───too


By thinking both big and small.───从大处和小处着眼.

Technology will improve society in ways big and small over the next few years, yet this will be little comfort to those who find their lives and careers upended by automation.───未来几年,科技将从大大小小的方面改进社会,但对于那些发现自己的生活和事业被自动化颠覆的人来说,这并不是什么安慰。

The big and small thing at work place.───职场上的大与小.

Both sides say this is more than just a turf war between big and small banks.───双方都称这不仅仅是大小银行争地盘这么简单的问题。

Both sides say this is more than just a turf war between big and small banks.───双方都称这不仅仅是一场大小银行的地盘之争。

Everything , big and small, is properly taken care of.───事无大小, 都有人负责.

The techniques are being applied almost everywhere by big and small firms alike.───无论在大公司还是小公司,这些技术的应用几乎无处不在。

Cafeterias big and small are all full bursting point. What day is today?───大小餐厅都爆满,今天是什么日子啊?


This rate includes big and small of the accelerograph , and direction, etc on the radio.

In interviews at other companies, big and small, I began to hear similar stories.

The result of simulation shows that big and small of impulsive force and its ...

The Arctic is home to predators big and small. This Arctic fox has been following a polar bear for days in hopes of leftovers from a kill.

At present, there are 38,000 big and small samshu enterprises of our country, so many brands dismember the consuming groups on the limited market, and the fierceness fought for can be well imagined.