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时间:2022-10-20 00:01:38 作者:语文迷 字数:2688字


Landscape engineering technology




The palace has extensive gardens, a maze, and tennis courts.───这座宫殿有几座大花园、一处迷宫和几个网球场。

The neighbours' gardens were trim and neat.───邻居们的花园整洁美观。

Town gardens are ideal because they produce flowers nearly all year round.───城市公园是理想去处,那里几乎一年四季鲜花盛开。

Its houses are large, well-spaced and surrounded by gardens.───其房子很大、间距适当,周围全是花园。

The English have a passion for gardens.───英国人酷爱花园。

Small gardens can be high maintenance.───小花园也会有很高的维护费。

Small gardens can be high maintenance.───小花园可能需要耗费很多精神打理。

The gardens are a blaze of colour.───花园里姹紫嫣红。


The Gardens are open from 10.30am until 5pm.

The gardens are intersected by gravel paths.

Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are flowers and kind deeds are the fruits.

The palace has extensive gardens, a maze, and tennis courts.

The gardens are all in bloom.