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时间:2022-10-20 00:02:52 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2642字


Wang Ni


王倪───Wang Ni


Wang Ping: This time our man athletes did a good job too, such as Zhan Xugang, Kong Linghui, Xiong Ni…───王平:这次我们男运动员也不错啊,比如占旭刚、孔令辉……

Regarding to WANG NOI KAENG KOI acid pipeline project won by CPPC, transmitting gas has been analyzed and low S and low Ni pipe has been defined.───针对中国石油天然气管道局中标的泰国WANG N OI KAE NG KOI酸性天然气管道输送工程以及输送气体介质情况,选用超低硫和低镍钢的钢管。

Wang Ni was a well - known senior philosopher . Learners consulted him when they had questions.───王倪是闻名瑕迩的得道哲人,学子们有问题都会到他这儿去请教。

This is online map of the address "Huang Bu Xiang Zhu Sou Cun Wang Ni Wan , Jianning County, Sanming City, Fujian Province, China" .───这是地址“中国福建省三明市建宁县黄埠乡竹薮村王泥湾”匹配的在线电子地图。

one young beijing couple , for example , liu hao and wang ni , rely heavily on financial support from their parents , as their monthly.───北京一对年轻夫妇刘浩和王妮由于入不敷出,只能靠父母为他们提供大量经济支持。
