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时间:2022-10-20 04:00:32 作者:趣历史 字数:2903字


Falling in love


落意───Falling in love


The one ray of sunlight in this depressing history is her meeting and falling in love with Martin.───在这段阴郁的时期,遇到并爱上马丁成为她唯一的一丝慰藉。

How would you react if I told you I'm falling in love with you?───如果我告诉你我爱上你了你会怎么做?

When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart.───在陷入情网的时候, 有些人丢了头脑, 另一些人丢了心.

It is almost impossible to visit Florida without falling in love with the state.───去佛罗里达观光而不爱上这个州几乎不可能。

Ugly but also falling in love again, about world filled with love.───再丑也要谈恋爱, 谈到世界充满爱.

With my usual vanity, I thought he might be falling in love with me.───由于我一贯的虚荣心作祟,我以为他可能爱上了我。

Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.───并非地球引力使人坠入爱河.

Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.───万有引力并不对人们堕入爱河负责.


People have been falling in love since the dawn of time.

Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.

I thought I was falling in love.

I can't help falling in love with u.

Never frown,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.