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时间:2022-10-20 04:02:25 作者:星火作文 字数:3770字






The golden fruit ripens very early, and the vine is quite disease resistant.───金色果实熟极早, 是相当的葡萄抗病.

It is the easiest of crops to grow and is seemingly resistant to any disease.───它是最容易种植的作物,似乎对任何疾病都有抵抗力。

Breeding disease - resistant varieties is the main approach for rice blast control.───抗病品种的选育是防治稻瘟病的主要途径.

And force of fleshy sheep precocity, disease - resistant is strong, progenitive force tall, turnover is rapid.───并且肉羊早熟 、 抗病力强 、 繁殖力高 、 周转快.

They have the disease - resistant poison, character that fights hyperplasia and immunity to adjust.───它们具有抗病毒 、 抗增生及免疫调节的特性.

Earlier studies showed that disease - resistant mosquitoes would die and not be able to replace wild ones.───早期的研究显示,那个抗疾病疟蚊会很快死去,无法取代野生疟蚊.

Now, scientists have developed a new genetic trick that could help those disease-resistant mosquitoes spread like wildfire.───现在科学家已经研究出一种新遗传技术手段,可以帮助这种抗病蚊子迅速传播。

with the modern efforts to understand the genetics of the potato, which could lead to more disease-resistant varieties.───用现代技术来破解马铃薯的基因构造,从而有助于培育出更能抵御病虫害的马铃薯种类。


The high and stable yield of cotton quality and can increase disease-resistant and drought-resistant ability of cotton plant as well.

Stablished the foundation for cultivation of new disease-resistant gladiolus variety , Offered the theoretical foundation for genetic transformation of the monocotyledon.

They experimented successfully on the plants to discover disease-resistant varieties.

But we know few about the disease-resistant mechanism of head smut, especially the enantiopathia respond involved in the signal conduction way and the correlation gene research are also very poor.

Over the last few years, disease-resistant single-flowered roses have been introduced, including 'Kew Gardens', a white thornless variety that flowers nonstop.