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时间:2022-10-20 08:05:04 作者:语文迷 字数:3163字


My school is in Weinan




tainted milk powder was traced to Lekang Dairy Company in Weinan, Shaanxi. ───陕西渭南市乐康乳业有限责任公司涉嫌将10吨过期"毒奶粉"掺混入自产奶粉中,致使"毒奶粉"流入该地。

Weinan dialect belongs to the Zhongyuan dialect of northern mandarin Chinese.───渭南方言属于北方官话下属中原官话区。

House For All Seasons, Shijia Village, Weinan, Shaanxi, China.───四季:一所房子,石家村,渭南,陕西,中国。

The establishment of "Guanzhong-Tianshui economic zone" starts the ball rolling for tourism development in Weinan.───“关中-天水经济区”的成立为渭南旅游业的发展打开了一个新的格局。

Based on these experiences, Weinan puts forward the technical flow of urban NMT system planning.───以渭南市为例,并在此基础上提出慢行交通系统规划的技术路线。

Weinan Xi'an High-tech Zone from the International Airport only 90 km, the highway connected the whole, very convenient air transportation.───渭南高新区距西安国际航空港仅90公里,全程高速公路相连,空运十分便利。


Weinan dialect belongs to the Zhongyuan dialect of northern mandarin Chinese.

Taking northern Weinan of Guanzhong as a study case, we investigated the effect of land use on distribution of grain size of cultivated soil and anthropogenic forest soil.

Weinan is usually called " thoroughfare of Sanqin, thoroughfare of eight provinces. "

Weinan graduated from the Teachers College ( tertiary ), the English professional.