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时间:2022-10-20 16:00:24 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2261字


Renewal of rent


续房租───Renewal of rent


Wayan had just learned that the lease on her shop was going to come up for renewal at the end of august-only three months from now-and that her rent would be raised.───大姐刚刚得知,她的店即将在八月底租约期满——距今仅剩三个月——且店租即将提高。

will continue to enjoy security of tenure so long as the tenant is prepared to pay the prevailing market rent on renewal of the tenancy.───的租赁,只要租客于续订租赁时愿意缴付市值租金,其租住权将继续得到保障。

Formerly controlled tenancies will continue to enjoy security of tenure so long as the tenant is prepared to pay the prevailing market rent on renewal of the tenancy.───本港所有出租住宅的租客,只要于租赁届满时愿意缴付市值租金,租住权都会继续受到保障。
