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时间:2022-10-20 20:02:43 作者:星火作文 字数:2454字


The correspondence between tuxedo and evening dress


礼服───full dress;晚礼服───Evening dress


Hurstwood's word, however, had gone the rounds . It was to be a full - dress affair.───但是赫斯渥的话一传开, 这场演出就成了必须穿晚礼服的社交盛会.

On late Saturday night, there is a full dress rehearsal.───在周六晚上,有一个全晚装彩排。

new cadets' blue full dress consisted of a six-buttoned shirt.───新学员的蓝色礼服包括一件六扣衬衫。

The performers for the opening ceremonies, going through a full dress rehearsal on Wednesday night.───晚上,开幕式的演员进行了一次完整的带妆彩排。


It was considered to be a full dress ceremony.

Hans Ebert stood outside, in full dress uniform, his equerry three paces behind him.

You know he wasn't in full dress!

In spite of the heat, parties in full dress uniform were sent to scour the countryside.

He is in full dress.