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时间:2022-10-21 08:03:31 作者:星火作文 字数:2437字


Fools love fools




Better be a fool than a knave.───宁做傻瓜,不做无赖.

If he plays fool, he'll get his gruel.───他如果干蠢事, 就一定会受到惩罚.

Pamela is nobody's fool ; she'll master her new job in a couple of days.───帕梅拉精得很, 她会在一两天内胜任新的工作.

Don't fool around during working hours.───在工作时间内别瞎闹.

You poor deluded fool!───你这个上当受骗的傻瓜!

In all my born days I have never seen such a fool as you are.───我平生未见过像你这样的傻瓜.

Never fool around with the clients' wives.───永远不要和客户的妻子乱搞。

Don't be such a fool!───别这么傻了!


Love makes a wit of the fool.

Riches serve a wise man but command a fool.

The fool talks, and the wise man thinks.

No fool like an old fool.

There's more knows Tom Fool than Tom Fool knows.