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时间:2022-10-21 16:01:46 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2627字


To Berlin




Political pressure finally winkled him out and on to a plane bound for Berlin.───政治压力最终迫使他离开,登上了去往柏林的飞机。

Frank is currently domiciled in Berlin.───弗兰克目前正在柏林居住。

Berlin was divided into four sectors after the war.───战后柏林分成了4个区.

We in Berlin hardly knew a war was on during the early part of 1941.───我们身处柏林的人在1941年初几乎感受不到正在打仗。

Frank is currently domiciled in Berlin.───弗兰克目前定居柏林。

He went to Berlin by aeroplane.───他乘飞机到柏林.

A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin.───一名士兵在疯狂飙车穿越柏林后被逮捕。

Travel is by coach overnight to Berlin.───旅程为乘一夜长途汽车去柏林。


The Berlin wall was the supreme symbol of the Cold War.

He went to Berlin by aeroplane.

The Soviet blockade of Berlin was lifted in May 1949.

Berlin was divided into four sectors after the war.

Berlin sounds fascinating from your description.