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时间:2022-10-21 20:00:59 作者:学习啦 字数:2869字


Building igloos




Ice Trolls have been observed to live in igloo - like structures and simple tents.───冰霜巨魔被认为居住在一种圆顶雪房或是简易帐篷中.

a night in an igloo is magical.───在圆顶玻璃房里住上一个晚上是一件很神奇的事情。

The inside temperatures at the Sorris - niva Igloo Hotel remain between - 4 and - 7 degrees Celsius.───这家名为索里斯-尼瓦雪屋酒店的室内温度保持在 -4 到-7摄氏度之间.

When you sign up, you adopt an animated penguin to chat with friends, play games, explore, collect coins and even personalize your very own igloo.───注册时,你就会领养一只活泼的企鹅来与朋友聊天、玩游戏、探索、收集硬币、甚至让你自己的圆顶冰屋个性化。

In Nunavut's "igloo and email" society, where adults who were born in igloos have children who may never have been out on the land, there's a high incidence of depression.───在努纳维特的“冰屋和电子邮件”社会,在冰屋中出生的人们的孩子可能从未到过陆地上,抑郁症发病率很高。

Klosh? Kwan led the council to the igloo of Keesh.───克 娄 石—克完带着村议会的人来到季奚的雪屋.

The popularity of the igloo is beyond doubt.───圆顶屋受欢迎,这一点是毫无疑问的.

Again there was a great noise at the igloo.───雪屋中又是一片极乱的吵杂声.
