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时间:2022-10-22 04:04:27 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3158字






Wireless capsule endoscope was propelled by gastrointestinal peristalsis, thus its locomotion was very slow and uncontrollable.───无线胶囊式胃肠道内窥镜是全被动的运动方式,存在运动速度慢和不可控的缺点.

Esophagus: Muscular tube that conveys food by peristalsis from the pharynx to the stomach.───食道: 咽与胃之间的直管,藉由蠕动使食物通过.

This is called peristalsis.───这就是所谓的蠕动。

It is characterized by a return of peristalsis.───它的特点是肠蠕动恢复.

Coarse, indigestible plant matter , consisting primarily of polysaccharides such as cellulose, that when eaten stimulates peristalsis.───含纤维多但营养低的粗糙食品; 它可刺激肠蠕动.

Peristalsis in the body of the esophagus is under vagal control.───食管本体的蠕动受迷走神经支配.

This will help to gastric peristalsis of the stomach to digest food clean.───这样可以帮助胃蠕动以便把肚子里的食物消化干净。

These rhythmic waves of muscular relaxation and contraction are called peristalsis.───这种肌肉舒张和收缩的有节律波动称为蠕动。


Failed peristalsis was commonly encountered in patients as well as controls.

This twice daily peristalsis creates tidal currents every six hours, pushing sea water first north, then south.

Peristalsis moves feces through the colon to the rectum, where they stimulate the urge to defecate.

Banana is rich in dietary fiber, can stimulate peristalsis of the stomach to help discharge.

Peristalsis in the body of the esophagus is under vagal control.