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时间:2022-10-22 12:18:38 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2535字


What are you going to do with these old clothes




Your clothes are all huddled up inside the bag.───你的衣服都揉成一团塞在包里.

You can't just wear any clothes if you're going there — you have to dress very smartly.───如果你去那里,你不能穿着普普通通的衣服,你必须穿得很整齐漂亮.

These clothes should be put out to air on a sunny day.───这些衣服好天儿要拿出去晒晒.

She wears really funky clothes.───她穿的衣服真是时髦又独特。

The guests wore casual clothes.───客人们穿着便服.

Your clothes fit well.───你的衣服很合身.

My clothes are damp from the rain.───我的衣服被雨水打湿了.

Warm clothes are a must in the mountains.───到山区去穿暖和的衣服是必须的.


My clothes were made of coarse cloth.

The British guards searched his clothes.

You look rather shabby in those clothes.

Truth hath a good face, but ill clothes.

His clothes did not fit him very well .