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时间:2022-10-22 16:02:15 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2687字


Joint signature


连署───Joint signature


Without prejudice to the power of representation granted to the Board of Directors by law, the Company is only committed to third parties through the joint signature of two authorised representatives.───在不损害代表的力量给董事会根据法律规定,只有公司致力于第三方通过共同签署两授权的代表。

XML signature, a joint IETF and W3C standard for digitally signing content and embedding those signatures in XML documents, addresses the problem of authentication.───XML签名,一个用来为内容数字签名并嵌入XML文档的IETF和W3C的联合标准,解决了验证的问题。

Upon completion of the real estate brochures produced by the customer service personnel and real estate joint signature.───房地产说明书制作完成后应由客户和房地产中介服务人员联合签章。

No joint-signature is accepted for textiles export licence applications.───出口证申请书不能联名签署。


Without prejudice to the power of representation granted to the Board of Directors by law, the Company is only committed to third parties through the joint signature of two authorised representatives.