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时间:2022-10-23 16:01:17 作者:星火作文 字数:2517字


Go out and turn right


出门───go out;转───turn


Let's go out on Saturday night.───星期六晚上出去吧。

They would go out on his route and check him.───他们会到他那里走访一下,看看他的情况。

Go out of your way to mingle with others at the wedding.───去跟婚礼上的其他人聊聊。

How could she tell beforehand that I was going to go out?───她怎么会事先知道我要出去?

How can you go out with her? She's a real dog.───你怎么能和她谈恋爱呢?她简直就是个恐龙。

Although they're expensive, they last forever and never go out of style.───尽管价格昂贵,但它们经久耐用,永不过时。

I'm very much a loner — I never go out.───我这人非常孤僻,从不出门。

Let's go out to eat.───我们出去吃吧。


The weather is not fit to go out.

Don't go out in the rain.

We'll go out when the rain is over.

We were getting ready to go out.

We may go out next Sunday, but that depends.