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时间:2022-10-24 16:01:00 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2557字


long day


永昼───long day


The long day of meetings started at noon.───会议接连不断的漫长一天从中午开始。

A long day's march was before him.───一整天的跋涉正在等着他.

After a long day's driving I always feel very tense.───一整天的车开下来,我总觉得不能动弹了.

He worked up an appetite after a long day of chopping wood.───在砍了一天柴后,他食欲大增.

He was beat after the long day at work.───他在一天的工作之后精疲力尽.

I'm tired. It's been a long day.───我累了。这一天可真够长的。

long day of meetings started at noon.───漫长的会议日从中午开始了。

Hopefully everybody's well-rested 'cause it could be a long day.───希望大家都休息好了,因为这一天会很漫长。


They were worn out after a long day spent working in the fields.

The long day of meetings started at noon.

It's been a long day.

Go to sleep. I've got a long day tomorrow.

It had been a long day and the children were beginning to flag.