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时间:2022-10-25 16:04:56 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3204字






But observations that an amateur bird-watcher can make are really limitless.───但是一个业余观鸟者所能做的观察是无限的。

Presently the watcher began to nod; his head drooped lower and lower, both men began to snore now.───不一会儿,看守开始打盹了。他的头越来越低,两个人都打起鼾来。

At other times, the watcher will dictate what to do to the driver.───反之, 观察者可以指示操作者该如何做.

Then the watcher announced that the "Lindy Hop" was the name of the dance, and it has stuck since then.───接着,观察者宣布,这支舞的名字是“林迪舞”,并且从那以后就一直沿用了下来。

Elder Watcher : Your quest foolhardy! Even your goddess has condemned the one you seek to free!───守护长者(夜莺熊): 你的探索行动很鲁莽! 你企图释放的人,甚至连你的女神也宣判他有罪!

Net Watcher automatically updates the window every 20 seconds.───网络“监视员”每隔20秒自动地更新窗口.

Watcher support various alert functions upon motion detection, such as ftp, email and phone alert.───观察家支持各种警报功能后,运动检测, 如ftp, 电子邮件和电话联络的应变能力.

My films try to describe a journey of discovery, both for myself and the watcher.───我的电影试图为我自己也为观众描述一个自我发现的心灵之旅。


But the watcher on the promenade has seen that something is wrong.

Watcher, lamppost, fancy being on the wrong end of a chat?

No watcher could divine what would happen next.

I became a bird watcher in Orkney.

Suddenly Morthen seemed to sense the watcher.