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时间:2022-10-25 20:02:59 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2566字


The sound


响珰珰───The sound


Here's a new idea we liked the sound of.───这是个新想法,我们一听就喜欢。

She heard the sound of the guns thundering in the fog.───她听到雾中传来隆隆的枪炮声。

The sound waves of the voice could be diagramed as in B.───这个声音的声波如图B所示。

The sound was so familiar that she didn't register it.───这个声音如此耳熟,她根本没怎么留意。

He was being paid danger money from the sound of it.───印象中他得到了危险工作津贴。

The sound of many voices awoke her with a start.───一阵杂乱的说话声把她惊醒了。

She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident.───她想笑,但声音听起来尖锐刺耳。

I woke up to the sound of larks chirruping.───百灵鸟的叽叽喳喳声把我给吵醒了。


Can we make the sound any clearer?

The sound of the heavy footsteps awoke the watchdog.

The garden was humming with the sound of bees.

This will blanket out the sound.

The sound smites upon the ear.