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时间:2022-10-26 00:02:03 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3401字






Since then this dish Shahe simmering fish head on the famous.───从此这道菜沙河煨鱼头就出名了。

Buyer Mu Aimin's family runs a pharmacy in the city of Shahe.───穆爱民家在沙河市经营一家药铺。

Whenever I go to other parts of the country, I see new buildings being built, ' says Mr. Liu, who is also a Shahe government adviser .───说,每次我到全国各地出差,都会看到崭新的建筑拔地而起,我们这里生产的玻璃越多,就卖得越好。

Shahe Reservoir, a typical lake in tropical Hainan Province, is one of the main drinking water sources of the resident population.───沙河水库是两院居民主要的饮用水水源地,位于海南省。

Shahe guesthouses Spring temporary stalls quite marketable, I believe businesses in the Lunar New Year is to make some quick money.───沙河宾馆的新春临时档位相当抢手,相信商家是想在农历年前后赚些快钱。

Shahe scenic spot - combination fishing , swimming , entertaining and restaurant is one body .───风景秀丽,融垂钓、旅游、娱乐、餐饮于一体的沙河水库风景区。


The tests of the grounding apparatus mounted at the transformer bushing tap and oil-filled paper condenser type bushing of 220 kV transformers in Shahe substation is presented.

Guan Jiapu area beach sea oil field main oil-bearing formation location whether last the third take town group, Guantao group and lay the third Shahe street group tomorrow.

In this paper, the physical properties and chemical composition of limestone from Cejing of Shahe are investigated and the activity of calcined lime are tested according to production condition.

Investigation of Cathaya argyrophylla on Shahe forest region of Daozhen County in Guizhou Province.

Development and testing plant in Shenzhen, Nanshan District Shahe Industrial Zone.