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时间:2022-10-26 12:03:37 作者:学习啦 字数:2750字


International Workers


国际工人───International Workers


Today is May 1st, International Workers' Day, but the majority of people do not need to work. Many people numb with working finally find a chance to sublime at rest.───今天是五一劳动节,但大多数人却不用劳动,好多已在劳动中麻木的人,终于等到了一个在休息中升华的机会。

WFP officials say as the winter snow begins to melt and high mountain paths begin to clear, local leaders and international aid workers are reporting some people are dying of starvation.───世界粮食计划署官员说,随着冬雪开始融化,高海拔的山路开始畅通,当地领导人和国际救援人员报告说一些人正死于饥饿。

Other members of the aid group, the International Assistance Mission, said the slain workers - some of whom had worked in Afghanistan for decades - did not proselytize.───国际援助团的其它成员表示,在被杀害的人员当中,有些人曾在阿富汗工作了几十年,他们并没有传教。

Today, the working class in the Philippines and the whole world commemorate International Workers'Day.───今天,菲律宾和全世界的工人阶级一起庆祝国际劳动节。

Today is May Day, Labor Day, and International Workers' Day.───这天是五一劳动节,也称国际劳动节。
