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时间:2022-10-26 16:05:03 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2396字


Silver mirror


中银镜───Silver mirror


But in her eyes, it seems a silver mirror with gem inlay on it.───但在她看来,这似乎是它与宝石镶嵌银镜。

she gives the jailer her silver mirror.───她把自己的银镜子给了狱卒。

A silver mirror, coated with a newly developed platinum coloured protective layer.───银色镜面涂层加上新开发的白金色保护层。

The image shaped with high - class silver mirror is clear, precise and actual.───高级银镜成像影像清晰,精准, 真实.


The band of charge transfer transition is detected in optical absorption spectra when molecules are adsorbed on silver surface in silver sol and silver mirror.

By comparison, the results show that the intensity of Raman scattering was enhanced on account of vitamin K3 molecules adsorbed on silver mirror substrate.

A silver mirror, coated with a gold-coloured protective layer.